How to submit your work
for Journal

General Practice is a scientific journal of Serbian Medical Society. Journal considers articles on all aspects of primary health care, written by doctors engaged in general/family medicine, and other health and health-related professionals. Journal publishes original researches, study reports, systematic reviews, educative articles, case reports, and articles on history of medicine, comments and letters to editor and other articles.
Authors are required to confirm that article is unpublished previously.
All papers published in General Practice are subject to peer review.
General instructions. Authors  (outside of Serbia) should submit their paper electronically, in WORD (.doc file), exclusively in English language.
Technical requirements are as follows: Paper size A4 in portrait orientation; all margins 25 mm; font Times New Roman, size 12, text alignment left; first line indented by 10 mm; without hyphenation. For special characters use symbol font.
The pages of the main text should be numbered consecutively, (including title page), in the footer.
Sentences should be brief and clear. For medicaments only use non-proprietary names. For designation of devices use manufacturer's designation. Manufacturer and his location should be bracketed. Special expressions and symbols should be written clearly, with appropriate use of subscript and superscript. Use widely accepted symbols and abbreviations. Abbreviations should be preceded by the full text at the first appearance.
All measures should be reported in SI units.
Title page: The first page of the manuscript should provide as follows:
Title of the study (without abbreviations)
Full names and titles of the author and co-authors, with indexes.
Institution, city and country of residence for authors and co-authors, indexed accordingly to name indexes
Full name, contact address, phone/fax number and e-mail of the corresponding author (at the bottom of the page)
Abstract: Abstracts are required as addition to original researches, study reports, systematic reviews, and case reports. Abstract should not exceed 300 words
Abstracts to original researches should be organized as follows:
background of the study;
aim of the study;
materials and methods;
Include the most important numerical values, applied statistical analyses and signficance level, in detail sufficient to support the conclusions;
Each segment should be written as separate paragraph, with the first word written bold
Abstract to case reports should be organized as follows:
presentation of the case;
The other types of papers do not require specific organzation of the abstract
Key words: Authors are asked to provide 3-10 key words defining the essential content of the manuscript, at the end of the abstract.
Structure of the manuscript. Titles and subtitles should be written in bold and preceded by an extra space
Original researches and systematic reviews should be organized as follows:
introduction; aim; materials and methods; results, discussing; conclusion; references.
Case reports should be organized as follows:
introduction; presentation of the case; discussion; references. Do not use name or initials of the patient.
Introduction: Clearly explains the hypothesis, or defines the problem that is the subject of the research. Do not use the data or conclusions of your research in this part of the paper.
Aim of the study should be defined precisely and clearly.
Materials and methods: explains design and plan of the research, sources of data, organizing of the sample, time and place of the researching, instruments and significance of the research
Applied statistical analyses should be clearly cited and defined. Keep in mind that statistical analysis is no more than a tool for proving of the author's hypothesis.
Results: Results should be presented within the frame of the hypothesis or research of the problem. They should be presented as logical sequence, preferably in the form of tables or charts, with emphasized statistical significance. Only the most important observations shod be presented or summarized in the text
Discussion: Discussion comprises interpretation and evaluation of the research, by comparing of the data with already published ones, and theoretical and practical implications and suggestions for the future researches
Emphasis should be on the originality of the data and contribution to the general knowledge and linking with introduction and the aim of the research
Conclusion: Presents clear and explained facts of research in short and connects them with the aim of the research. Conclusion must be supported by the data obtained in the research
Illustrations, tables and photos should be submitted separate from the main text. Preferable program for creating charts is PowerPoint, and for creating figures, we recommend Corel Draw program. Tables should be created in MSWord, using single spacing. Preferable resolution for photos is 300 dpi, in .jpg format. Each item should be numbered according the order they appear in the text. Legends for charts, figures, tables and photos should be written using Times New Roman font. All used abbreviations should be explained in the legend. In the main text, mark the place for inserting illustrations and tables in font color red (i.e. Table 1 etc)
References should be in the 1997 Vancouver style (, in the order made in the text and numbered accordingly. These numbers should be inserted in superscript on each occasion a reference is cited. Numbered references should appear in separate page at the end of the paper. All measures should be reported in SI units. Sample references are available at
This standard is one of the three most important factors for indexing in classification of scientific journals
Deadlines for manuscript submission
January 15th (for volume released in May)
March 31st (for volume released in September)
Submission deadline cannot be postponed
Articles should be submitted at